why choose a managed recourse financing partner?

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At AccessOne, our inclusive repayment plans and 0% interest options are centered on creating a positive patient financial experience. We give all patients access to needed healthcare services regardless of their financial situation.


1. When patients need financing to cover medical costs, non-recourse lending often comes with high interest rates and fees.
2. Because many patients do not qualify for non-recourse programs, this leaves vulnerable households without options and reduces total bill repayment rates.
3. For healthcare providers who partner with non-recourse lenders in hopes of reducing their A/R, they often find that total bill repayment actually decreases because many patients are disqualified for non-recourse programs.
4. This leaves vulnerable households without options and reduces collection rates. It also contributes to negative patient experiences.
5. At AccessOne, all patients qualify for our 0% interest repayment plan options.
6. We understand that the best way to maximize collection rates is to ensure that all patients are offered flexible financing options and support.
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Delivering a Superior Patient Experience

Your staff simply introduces our program as an option to pay their remaining balance – after insurance and any available financial assistance have been accounted for. We take on the responsibility of communicating with patients, and present extended repayment options with empathy, honesty and transparency.

Our Do No Harm Philosophy

All patients qualify for our flexible repayment plan program including our 0% interest option. Financing is extended regardless of credit score, and we do not credit report. We do not offer promotional periods or apply retroactive interest. Our do no harm approach provides flexible and sustainable payment options that patients can choose based on their family and financial situations.

full service.

Full-Service Managed Recourse Financing

We offer a full-service model that takes over all patient-provider communication, billing, and administration to help staff efficiency.

We implement algorithms and automation at every step of our workflow to generate efficiencies and streamline patient repayment.

Our technological innovations help us predict patient payment behavior which dramatically reduces recourse to industry lows.

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See AccessOne Pay in Action

We can tell you all about the results you’ll experience when you partner with us, but why don’t we show you how simple it is? Schedule a demo to check out the full AccessOne experience.

  • Discover how self-serve flexibility drives more payments
  • Preview the intuitive and modern interface of MobilePay
  • Start designing a patient repayment program that fits your healthcare system.